April 25 thru May 5, 2018
To purchase past spring show DVDs, contact adminstaff@circusjuventas.org.
Artistic Director: Elizabeth “Betty” Butler
The Spring Celebration Performances allow our beginning and intermediate students to experience the thrill and the challenge of a full-scale performance that integrates music, costuming and presentation. This experience is an integral and very special component of our programming. We strongly believe that all students benefit from it, and we are proud to offer extraordinarily high production values.
Spring Show 2018: CIRCUS WORLD FAIR
Since its modern origins in 18th century London and later in Philadelphia’s Rickets Circus in 1793, circus has emerged as a unique and eclectic performance art. Circus continually creates new platforms by blending dance, music, athleticism, daredevilry, staging, choreography, and costuming . It blurs the lines between theater and exhibition, artistry and craftsmanship, and old and new. Though there have been periods of ebb and flow, we are witnessing its popularity once again. In 2018, we celebrated a quarter-millennia of skill, innovation, and artistry during our 2018 Spring Celebration Performances!